Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Well done girls .. and bye bye from the Madhouse Woodenmums !

Well, when this blog started ...

... we had no idea where it would go ...

... whether it would fizzle out before it got off the ground ...

... whether the girls would run out of ideas ...

... or get bored ...

But they didn't ! A huge thanks to John Crane Toys for giving us the idea for this blog, which has given us many a giggle during the summer ...

Now everyone's back to school and the good weather's behind us, we'll say bye bye for now but maybe Jenny will be back on holiday with us next summer ! Who knows ?!

Bye Bye from Sophie & Juliette & the Madhouse Woodenmums !


  1. A big thank you - we have enjoyed reading every single post. Well done girls you must be top of the class at school - you'll make very good journalists one day we are sure.


  2. What a fab idea for a summer project...given me some ideas for my children!!

  3. Wow it looks like they had such a great time,im thinking of starting a blog as im a mum of 3 myself but until i come up with some good ideas i'm happy readings others.x
    love @v82chris x

  4. These are such sweet and funny pictures! They are making me broody! Hehe x

  5. Cute pics - this perhps I'll get my little one starting a blog when he's a bit bigger!! Great way to get them learning new things. x

  6. It's nice to see where the blog all started. What a lovely way to spend the summer!

  7. I'm new to the blogging world but this is already a family favourite
    @hannahmdy - also commented on madhouse giveaway! Now an unofficial promoter of yours on twitter and fb :) love it

  8. These little wooden people seem the kicking-off point for a lot of imaginative play. Keep up your fun blog! (Anna Thomas, Facebook)

  9. I enjoyed this blog very much as a mum of three boys it is nice to be girlie and pink for a while lol

  10. great blog and pics
